
How it Works

1. Sign Up

Take things to the next level.


This is big. Just by reading this, you are doing something amazing. You are backing yourself. And it doesn't matter where you want to end up, thats how you get there.

Sign Up Now →

2. Meet and Greet

Lets get to know each other


Ok, you've done the hard bit and committed. Now its time to get to know one another good and proper. 

With production we're going to get up close and personal so we'll need good and open communication. You'll need to have a think about a few things, like what style or artists do you want to sound like? 

3. Drop Box Set Up

File handling


Hmmmm yes, big files going back and forth. We'll set you up your very own private dropbox so you can send and receive files to your hearts content.

4. Begin Production (the process)

Communication, expectations, and results


The key thing to remember is that communication is key to getting good results. We'll be communicating already. But the process looks something like this:

Send the demo (or two):

Wherever you have got it to so far. This could be a voice note recording or a home recorded demo in GarageBand, whatever youve got!


Discuss references:

We cant stress this enough, having references for things like drums ("I like these drums"), vocal sounds ("I like these Mo-town vocal sounds") or even just vibe ("the Gorillaz are really cool"). It makes things so much simpler, and we'll get to the desired result much faster.


Making the track:

We'll go away and make a first demo. In order to do this we'll need a guide vocal. This could be a voice note or a proper recording, just something to help us get the right bits in the right place. (to a metronome is helpful too).

Once we have a demo, we'll send it a cross and we can start tweaking things. If you dont like it we can start again, but if we've done our referencing homework well enough together it should be in the right arena from the start. 



Once we have the demo/instrumental, you'll need to record your lovely lead vocals and backing vocals. You dont need a pro studio to do this and most home set-ups are capable of getting a pro sound with a little direction which we can give.

Alternately, we can arrange a session vocalist although this is an additional cost.



Once we've got all the bits, we'll thread it together and this is where the magic starts. If we need anything extra from you, we'll be in touch.


On to revisions

5. Revisions

Get things perfect


Once V1 of the song is delivered, give it a listen and then lets make it perfect. Revisions are on the house, no limits. 

6. Repeat

Do it again!   


With a subscription, we can start thinking about the next song straight away!  No more half baked releases or excuses about it 'not being ready yet'. Get that song in the oven pronto!

One off Production

- One off remote production

- Arrangement/composition suggestions (on request)

- Mix and Mastering Included

- 10th Song is Free

- Revisions til its perfect



8 Week cycle

- One song every 8 weeks

- Relaxed schedule

- Arrangement/composition suggestions (on request)

- Release music consistently

- Mix and Mastering Included

- Unlimited Revisions



4 week cycle

- A new song every month

- Priority recording and mixing

- Arrangement/composition suggestions (on request)

- Release Music Consistently

- Analog and Digital

- Unlimited Revisions



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